12. The Necromon Thief (Part 3)
Quest Friends!September 05, 202200:58:33

12. The Necromon Thief (Part 3)

Our two mysteries come to a close with an unexpected twist that teaches Kyle an important lesson about roleplaying the hard way.
Content Notes: Very Harsh Sound (14:10-14:30), Volume (54:55-55:00)
Character List: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bub1xee_prMbf7WiC11OFjEIMKQ4k3LiDAuN5unRO5E/edit?usp=sharing
Transcript: questfriendspodcast.com/items/12.-the-necromon-thief-(part-3)-transcript

Download Chuck Beavers' Birthday Song: patreon.com/posts/chuck-beavers-71039334
Noir Quique voiced by Rob from Totalus Rankium: totalusrankium.wordpress.com
Noir Irene voiced by Bry Jensen from PONTIFACTS: pontifacts.podbean.com (Twitter: @pontifactspod)
Join us for our anniversary stream at 7PM CDT on Sunday, Sep. 25th: twitch.tv/questfriends

Follow Quest Friends! Online:
Website: questfriendspodcast.com 
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Instagram: @questfriendspodcast
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Twitch: twitch.tv/questfriends
Twitter: @Quest_Friends 

Music Credits
"Quest Friends! Hereafter Theme" by Miles Morkri: twitter.com/milesmorkri
"Chuck Beavers' Birthday Song" by Miles Morkri: twitter.com/milesmorkri
"Spoon clattering (1): by chemicalcrux: freesound.org/people/chemicalcrux/sounds/530872/
"Spoon clattering (2): by chemicalcrux: freesound.org/people/chemicalcrux/sounds/530871/
"Spoon clattering (3): by chemicalcrux: freesound.org/people/chemicalcrux/sounds/530870/
"Spoon clattering (4): by chemicalcrux: freesound.org/people/chemicalcrux/sounds/530869/
"Spoon clattering (5): by chemicalcrux: freesound.org/people/chemicalcrux/sounds/530874/
"Spoon clattering (6): by chemicalcrux: freesound.org/people/chemicalcrux/sounds/530873/
"Spooky Halloween Night Cut D" by AdiGoldstein: pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/75369121-spooky-halloween-night-cut-d
Additional Music from Motion Array: motionarray.com/

Video Chapters
00:00 - Previously On and Intro
01:44 - Deal with a Devil
11:29 - Confronting the Phantom Thief
25:38 - Announcement Break
29:01 - End of the Mr. E
41:05 - The Men Sparky Can't Talk To
49:54 - Malicious Intent
52:52 - Outro and Outtakes