Music from Motionarray:
Lyrics & Vocals by Kyle Decker
Oh come listen to my woes
Told through the Testimony Tango
I'll tell all the things you need to know
I started the night pregnant
And I continued to be pregnant
Then men crashed the party and trapped all necromon into cards
It was just like Die Hard
Even though I had the pregnancy pain
I knew I had to be brave
And knock those bad men away (so I did)
And then we entered Oset's office
And though we were cautious
He came and kicked us all out
Now I know this is Guillaume Apollinaire's tango, but it worked so well, and of the seven of us, I am not the most musically inclined. [Laughs]'ll get it later.
But then Titi saw something
That was oh so perplexing
Sammy went into back room
Where could he have gone from there?
It's mystery!
All I know is that Titi continues to be pregnant