26. The Siren in the Dead City (Part 2)
Quest Friends!December 12, 2023x
01:26:31159.36 MB

26. The Siren in the Dead City (Part 2)

It's all fun and games until someone gets their soul stolen.

Content Notes: Disorienting Audio (22:30-22:50), Crash SFX (24:20-24:30, 33:05-34:25), The Worst Voice (25:35-32:40), Fire SFX (55:50-55:55)

Character List: docs.google.com/document/d/1KhasQ0mJxmUE70ud_ZSHhrJa3WgDjk6QUf8cIxoBIu8/edit?usp=sharing


Subscribe to the Quest Friends! newsletter: questfriends.substack.com

Listen to The Maniculum Podcast: themaniculumpodcast.com

Xochi's vocals by Alicia Orozco: fiverr.com/aliciaorozcomx?source=gig_page


Follow Quest Friends! Online:

Website: questfriendspodcast.com 

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YouTube (Main): @questfriendspodcast

YouTube (Stream VODs): @questfriendsstreams


Music Credits

"Quest Friends! Hereafter Theme" by Miles Morkri: twitter.com/milesmorkri

"Roller Derby - San Francisco" by RTB45 (license): freesound.org/people/RTB45/sounds/193804/

"angry crowd at concert" by alex36917 (license): freesound.org/people/alex36917/sounds/648409/

"Spooky Halloween Night Cut D" by AdiGoldstein: pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/75369121-spooky-halloween-night-cut-d

Additional Music from Motion Array: motionarray.com/