27. The Siren in the Dead City (Part 3)
Quest Friends!December 18, 2023x
01:13:27135.44 MB

27. The Siren in the Dead City (Part 3)

Out of the frying pan, into the sky.

Content Notes: Fire SFX (6:55-7:15, 26:25-26:35), Death (48:20-48:50), Yelling (56:00-56:15, 1:08:45-1:08:50), Very Squeaky Laughter (58:20-58:30

Character List: docs.google.com/document/d/1KhasQ0mJxmUE70ud_ZSHhrJa3WgDjk6QUf8cIxoBIu8/edit?usp=sharing


Subscribe to the Quest Friends! newsletter: questfriends.substack.com

??? voiced by David S. Dear: davidsdear.com


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Music Credits

"Quest Friends! Hereafter Theme" by Miles Morkri: twitter.com/milesmorkri

"All Ears On Me - Vocals" by Alicia Orozco: fiverr.com/aliciaorozcomx?source=gig_page

"shop_door_bell.wav" by 3bagbrew (license): freesound.org/people/3bagbrew/sounds/57743

"Spooky Halloween Night Cut D" by AdiGoldstein: pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/75369121-spooky-halloween-night-cut-d

Additional Music from Motion Array: motionarray.com/

Additional SFX by FilmCow: filmcow.itch.io/filmcow-sfx