Ep. 6: The Clockwork City, Part 2
Quest Friends!December 04, 201733:0430.9 MB

Ep. 6: The Clockwork City, Part 2

With the poison growing and an innocent man behind bars, our heroes decide to swiftly take a break and go shopping.

Watch as they: 

IGNORE the laws of gravity!


RISK a copyright lawsuit with Marvel Comics!


Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_MpSJf5o08wFFwhlnBxFUMZBX-x36SseSqzK4qKbdJ0/edit?usp=sharing


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Intro/Outro music by MiracleOfSound

Intro: Friends (YouTube: https://youtu.be/uH-8TDe5s-E, Bandcamp: https://miracleofsound.bandcamp.com/track/friends-2)

Outro: Hitoshio (YouTube: https://youtu.be/m5Ahfl6gcH4, Bandcamp: https://miracleofsound.bandcamp.com/track/hitoshio)


Other Music/Sound Effects

"Shop" by Lone Pixel • Royalty Free Game Music: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsYAvWgFhdqyMmJ7MtKtGRQ (Lone Pixel provides his music to support us and our channel, not the contents of this podcast.)

"Time Freeze Sound FX" found via Mitico cagao: https://youtu.be/zoXg7y2pCLg

"Free Falling" by Tom Petty (Midi cover did not have a listed composer): http://www.midiworld.com/files/1116/ 

"Black Heat" by Ross Bugden: https://youtu.be/mhqnK65AZmM