Our heroes wash clothes, but it's exciting.
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Watch the stream recording on YouTube: https://youtu.be/VBjb53LxiUU
Write the end of our improvised adventure: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hIpCfKQrHdyVioSQEe7K7pwd-JbTP5mH/view?usp=sharing
Intro/Outro music by MiracleOfSound
Intro: Friends (YouTube: https://youtu.be/uH-8TDe5s-E, Bandcamp: https://miracleofsound.bandcamp.com/track/friends-2)
Outro: Hitoshio (YouTube: https://youtu.be/m5Ahfl6gcH4, Bandcamp: https://miracleofsound.bandcamp.com/track/hitoshio)
Transcript by Lily Mwangi
Hey everyone, it's Kyle. As predicted during last episode, our next episode, the finale to Crime and Courtship is taking longer than two weeks. And as I said last time, it will make abundant sense when the episode releases why it needs to take so long in the oven. I just am trying to be a bit sparse on the details ‘cause I don't wanna spoil any of the facts about this upcoming episode that I am extremely excited about. That being said, we know a month is a long time to wait. So I thought it'd be fun to take our improvised stream that we did in prep for C2E2 and release it here for anyone who wasn't able to watch. So this is besides cutting out the beginning and the ending completely unedited version of what we did. So it might be a bit choppier, but I assure you it's—it was an absolute blast.
And if you want to see the actual, like, our faces, the actual stream, I've uploaded that on YouTube as well. And if you need something else to do, just a reminder that our listener survey, which is completely anonymous, and has every single question optional, is currently out right now. You can find a link to it below. And if you respond to that listener survey, which would be invaluable to us, you will get the chance to win 105 Qwhale sticker packs as well as potentially something else. We're still figuring out the details. So I'm not gonna say much but cool stuff. Anyways, that's enough of me saying. I don't have time to explain and then not really explaining anything. I hope you enjoy this improvised adventure.
[Intro song plays, “Friends” by Miracle of Sound]
And as always, our intro and outro songs are Friends and [inaudible 00:01:37], both by Miracle of Sound.
[Intro song fades away.]
So in a week—in a week, in less than a day, we'll be at C2E2 ‘cause we're gonna be there Friday, Saturday, Sunday, not in any official capacity. But we will be there. We will just be there hanging out, doing stuff, buying way too much art. Also, all four of us can see the chat, right?
Mm-hmm. Yep, I can.
Okay, perfect. Um… [Chuckles.] And so what we're gonna do is we're running a live show on Sunday, March 1st.
Or 2nd?
It is the 1st? Okay.
So on March 1st, um, at C2E2. Now, because we cuss a lot, we originally were like this show is not for kids. And then C2E2 was like, “Can you make it for kids?” And I said, “Probably.” So, um, one thing that I want all of your help with is catch us if we cuss. That's really the only thing I'm afraid about. We don't usually make a lot of like sex jokes and stuff like that. But cussing is something that comes secondhand to us. So, um, but what the session is, is it is an improvised session. So how it works is— [Laughter.] Thank you, Mommy Movie. Um, so what—How this is gonna work is we have an hour for the session, um, for—for our show. So I have a timer in the bottom right hand corner. It wouldn't let me do an hour. So it's gonna do 59:59. Um—Once I—once I get started, I'm gonna treat it as if it's a show. So I'm gonna talk to all of you as if you have never heard of Quest Friends before, as if you have never heard of role playing before. Even if everyone in the chat is like, yeah, we've heard of role playing, I'm still gonna go anyway. Um, we're gonna run this for about 60 minutes. This is very interactive. So, um, there's gonna be moments where I'm gonna ask you for things especially during the beginning, kind of like how someone would ask the audience questions that say, an improv show or something like that. Um, when I do it, just shout out what you want, give me ideas, throw out things, and you can act like you—
[Conversation pauses.]
You can—you can act as if you, um… And yeah, you can act as if again, you've never heard of us. You can act as if you have heard of us though, because there are gonna be people there at the show who have heard of us etc, etc. Um, this is gonna run for as I set a timer, an hour. I've got a timer there. I'm gonna have a timer on my phone ‘cause that's what I'm gonna use at the actual show. And we're gonna go for an hour and then when that hour is done, we're gonna take probably 5 minutes, 5, 10 minutes just to use a bathroom break. We will come back. I will hopefully be there with us then and we are actually not done. Usually after every session, we have a debrief, we have just a session where we chill out, we hang out, we just kind of do stuff and, um, what we're gonna do—
Do that stuff? [Chuckles.]
Um, and what we're gonna do is, uh… And since we normally do that, we wanna do it for this one. Um, I've also been watching a lot of Jackbox videos and Jackbox is always fun with an audience.
It's always fun in general. So we're gonna be playing some Jackbox games. Just—just the five of us will be allowed in, just because we've had some incidents in the past where random folks have gotten in and it's gotten pretty ugly pretty quickly. But the games are highly interactive. So we encourage you to play along with us. Especially, like, the trivia things. Prove us all wrong. ‘Cause reminder everyone, the new Trivia Murder Party, the audience can get us all killed.
Oh, boy.
Wait, what?
The audience is a contender at the very end. They can—They race everyone else.
Oh no. Oh no.
I've already found a trivia.
That's why I chose it. Okay. [Claps hands.] I'm gonna get my timer ready. All right. And we are gonna—
[Inaudible 00:05:41.]
[Laughter.] All right, and we are gonna go in three, two, one. All right. Hi, everyone. My name is Kyle. I use he/him. Uh, thank you for coming to our panel today, Pop Quest, a role playing adventure created by you. So has anyone here heard of role playing before? All right. [Chuckles.] All right, it takes 20 seconds for the chat to reload. So I'm gonna pretend that somebody has said, no, we haven't. All right, so what role playing is, is it is the storytelling that, uh, groups of friends do together. So what happens is that all my friends up here, they all play a main character in a story, in an adventure that we do together. And then what I do is I kind of play everything else. So I—I—I create the world. I play the bad guy, stuff like that. And I'm gonna have your help with that role with me today. So before we get started, as I said, all my friends, they play themselves, but they also play a character. So could everyone go down and just introduce themselves and the character that they play?
Uh, I'll start. My name is Tom, I use he/him and I play a character named Xoc who also uses he/him pronouns.
Hi, I'm Hallie, I use she/her pronouns. And I play Hopper Scotch who uses he/him pronouns.
I’m Emily, I use she/her pronouns. And I play Elee, who also uses the she/her pronouns.
All right, thank you. And again, I'm Kyle. I'm what we call a Game Master. I am everybody else. All right. So how I want us to start the session today is we're gonna start—We're gonna do two parts. So the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna do some planning. We wanna actually figure out what story we're going to create. And then for the remainder of this panel, we're actually gonna play the session. So at this point, we need all of our characters to step off. We'll call them back when they're ready. So in practice, could everyone here mute themselves, except for Emily, who is right here who needs to leave the room.
Oh, no, I have a dog.
So I should also take my headphones off and not hear, correct?
I’m sorry, Charlie. I’m sorry. You’re gonna be so mad.
Uh… Yeah, just mute the volume.
[Whimpering.] I am trying.
I can—We're at the part of the session where all the players leave, which normally won't take this long but Emily has a dog on her who was very cuddly and is very upset that he's being moved.
It’s fine. I’m fine. Just scream at me when you're ready.
[Chuckles.] Yeah, I’ll yell at you. Okay. Okay. I don't think they can hear us anymore. All right. So, again, um… So again, what my role is, is I'm Kyle, I'm what we call a Game Master. What the Game Master is, is they play everybody who is not one of the main characters in our story. So I set up all the challenges. As I said, I set the villains, I set up the settings, I set up their friends as well. Now something I wanna note about Game Master is, it's our job to make a good story with our players. So while we can mess with our players a little bit, we're all on the same side. And we all wanna work together to have a great story. So we wanna make things tough, we wanna make sure they win in the end. So before we get started—And so, I'm gonna need your help with that. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna actually set up the story. And then as we play, I'm gonna ask for your help. So I'm gonna ask you how things work. So the way role playing works is that all of our character—I’ll get—Sorry, I'm gonna cut that. Let me explain how role playing works in a second. All right, so before we get started, I wanna introduce you to kind of the world that we're playing in. So our game is called Numenera. And it takes place one billion years in the future. It's not the future. It's not the future future. It's the future, future, future, future, future, future, future, future all the way down the road. And things are weird. Basically, anything we want exists.
All right, we're gonna have four—we're gonna have three main characters this session. We're gonna have Hopper Scotch. Hopper Scotch is a cowboy who really likes math. We have Xoc. Xoc is a wizard boy who likes robots and kinda thinks he is one a little bit. And then we're gonna have Elee Badge. Elee Badge is an old lady who is just really—who's just really, really tough. So we've got our tough old lady, we've got our wizard boy and then we've got our, um… We've got our cowboy who really likes math.
And so that's our world. We're super far in the future. And then we've got our three main characters. And so the first thing we need when creating any role playing adventure is we need a setting. So can you all just shout out where this adventure should take place? All right, so I got a couple of shout outs. We got laundromat and the nene races. So I think what we're gonna do—The thunderdome. I would be impressed if a small child shouted out thunderdome, but it could happen. Um, we, uh… So the first two I got were laundromat and a nene race. So I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a race at the laundromat. All right, so what's happening is there's gonna be a race at the laundromat. What's happening is people are trying to wash their clothes as absolutely quickly as possible. And the winner of this gets a prize. So all of our main characters, their friend who is a robot named Misha, really really wants this gift. And so they wanna get this thing for Misha. What's the gift they wanna get Misha? Off camel? A nene are—Yeah, kinda look like dinosaurs and camels. Let me pull up the rulebook. Um, I will—I'll show you ‘cause they have images of what they look like, but we've messed with them a lot. While I do that, what are they trying to get from Misha? All right, so it seems that everybody wants some sort of weird clothing. All right, I just heard. Uh… Okay, someone put it all together. I really like it. So they're gonna get a sweater vest that's made entirely out of beads. And what makes these beads special is that they're like a piano.
So when you hit the beads, they make music. So when someone walks around it sounds like a song or like someone hitting a bunch of different notes on a piano. Okay, so they're at the laundromat, they're gonna have a race. And so the last thing we need to know is, um… I wanna know who are they racing against? So at this laundromat, there's someone who can wash laundry better than anyone else. So I wanna know what—who is this person? What's—what's the name of this—this racer person? All right, so I see two names. So we're gonna go with our top two names. We've actually got two—All of these are so good and I wanna use all of them. We're gonna do Washer Board Kevin whose hands are washer boards and then we're gonna have Sock Sweat Sam and I will find a way to integrate Daniel McBubbles. Um, so I wanna know sock sweats—Not Sock Sweat Sam. Washer Board Kevin. What's Washer Board Kevin like? Is he—Um, what's his favorite hobby? What is Washer Board Kevin like to do? [Laughter.] He is a complicated man. One might say a grading personality. He's a musician on the side who plays the washboard. He plays the spoons. For sure the spoons. I, um… Wait, [inaudible 00:12:53] and pizza. What is— It’s pazza. All right, so I'm—Washer Board Kevin. He's gonna play the spoons and Sock Sweat Sam is gonna play the washer board. I'm not gonna do that. That’s too confusing. So Washer Board Kevin, he plays—he plays spoons on his washer board. Um, all right, team spoons. He's gonna be part—So they're gonna be both members of team spoons. So they're multiple teams. So we've got team spoons. Team spoons includes Washer Board Kevin and sock sweats Sam. What should the name of our players' team be? So it's gonna be team spoons versus who's the other team gonna be? And I will get you that inane photo before the day is done. I am upset with how good of a name spin cycle is. So it's gonna be spin cycle. [Laughter.] GTB, uh, uh… Murph—I'm patient, but not that patient. Sounds like you're threatening me. Okay, so I'm gonna actually—
I'm gonna ask one last question then I'll look it up. Okay, and so our opposing team, now every enemy in, um, in a game needs to have a level. So 1 is super, super easy and 10 is super, super hard. So where should they be on a scale from 1 to 10? Should like—Should the team be really easy to beat? Like a 1? Or should they be a 10 where they’re really hard or should they be somewhere in the middle? All right. While you're picking up levels here is inane. Honestly, they're kinda creepy looking but I think they're cute. All right, so from a scale from 1 to 10, how tough should team spoons be? Middle? In the middle? Okay, we'll give them a—We'll do—we'll do 5 right in the middle. And for context for anyone at home who is more familiar with Numenera, because I'm not gonna go into the details of the mechanics. All right, um, yeah, we'll make—Yeah, I like this. Kevin is an 8. Sam is a 5. I'll put them right in the middle. They’re a 6. For reference, I'm using Numenera levels. So now that they're a 6 out of—out of 10—[Laughter.] Kevin has seen some shit. All right, well, that's something we know about Kevin. Um, I'm actually gonna equate it to a level in Numenera Okay, so we have a race at the laundromat.
They wanna get a beaded sweater vest that makes sounds. They are gonna join team spincycle led by Daniel McBubbles, and they're facing off against Washer Board Kevin and Sock Sweat Sam, the members of team spoons. It's true, 1999. Mummy Movie got me. I swore—I swore by reading what they wrote. All right. Kevin’s seen some doo doo. He’s seen some poop. All right. Okay, now everyone in the chat, what I'm gonna do is now we gotta get everyone to come back so they can play their session with us. And during this, I'm gonna have all this written on like a board in the back. Um, so I need everyone to shout out on the count of three come back Quest Friends. All right. One, two, three, come back Quest Friends. In fact that Emily got up at that point means she absolutely heard what I was saying.
You rang?
You came back before the chat said anything.
Oh, sorry. I just—I was just going off for a physical call. Come back Quest Friends ‘cause I heard it twice.
[Laughter.] All right. So I and the audience have come up with a very good session for you today.
Oh, dear.
So before we get started, could everyone just go down again and say their names and their character names?
Yes, I'll start again. My name is Tom. Uh, uh, he/him for me. And my character is Xoc and he also uses he/him.
And Xoc is the wizard boy.
Hallie, I think you’re—you’re muted.
Hi, Hallie.
You’re good.
Oh, okay. I thought I had muted myself by accident. Um, I’m Halle. I—My pronouns are she/her and I play Hopper Scotch whose name I momentarily forgot just now. And he's a he/him pronouns.
I'm Emily, I use she/her pronouns. And I play Elee, who uses she/her pronouns as well.
[Inaudible 00:16:53]. And, um, once again, Elee is the old lady who's really tough, and then Hopper is the math cowboy. Okay, so we've come up with a really good session for you all today. It's really good. Um, I realized [inaudible 00:17:09] but Hallie hadn't. So we're gonna get started. Okay, so it is—I'm gonna say it's the morning and you are going to a really, like, old facility. So you've been walking through this, like, ancient town. It's filled with these giant concrete towers. But what you're looking for is this small unassuming building. It's right outside— Outside of it is this space, it's a square space with lots of lines across it. You heard in the old times they called it, uh, parking lots. And as you look up, you see the words laundromat and you know this is where you have to be. Any thoughts before we enter in the laundromat?
Hopper is wondering. So I am hoping there should be an H on the end of that word. Laundromath.
Tom (as Xoc)
But was this the name of a person or a place to the people who once lived here? If we had more time, I could consult with spirits, but for now, we'll have to keep going.
Emily (as Elee)
I've never laundered on that. But I've laundered money.
Are we allowed to say that to children?
Emily, children.
Are we—Are we allowed—
That's like a Grunkle Stan level joke. I'm not sure if we should go that far.
I mean—
I’m sorry.
I mean—
I’ve almost—
Do we have any [inaudible 00:18:37] for kids?
I mean, that would probably get through the sensors. Like, that can get through the sensors.
It would be fine.
But it’s—Yeah, see, the chat agrees. It’s fine.
Okay, fine. So—
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
Our priest is also now wondering about Elee's illicit money crimes.
Kyle (as Daniel)
Well, yeah, that's what they say. [Inaudible 00:19:00] but what it is around now, it's just the coolest thing around.
And next to you, you see this man. He's—he's bubbly. He's bright. He's got this very curly hair. And he extends his hand out to you. And he says,
Kyle (as Daniel)
My name's Daniel McBubbles, team spin cycle.
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
Hi, Hopper scotch. And you know about the—It's a cool place to be?
Kyle (as Daniel)
It's the coolest place to be. It's the place for the laundromat races. And from what I hear, you guys are gonna be the ones helping me out today?
Emily (as Elee)
[Skeptical.] Ah! I don't think I agree to that.
Tom (as Xoc)
This is a good question.
Emily (as Elee)
Did we agree to that?
Kyle, what was our mission coming to today?
So you are on a secret mission. So, Misha, a big event is coming up. All right? It's gonna be—So Misha doesn't really like celebrating birthdays so to speak. But it is a very big anniversary. It's gonna be an anniversary. It's six months since when you all first met Misha and they seemed really excited they were gonna do a big friend anniversary.
And you want to get them a really nice gift. And so Misha has kept talking about this beaded sweater vest. It's a sweater vest made entirely out of beads. And when the beads hit each other, it's like hitting notes on a mallet or notes on a keyboard so it makes music as you walk around.
Oh boy.
And so you looked all around and you saw a flier out from Daniel McBubbles. It was very wet. It's almost like he washed the paper in a bubble bath. Daniel McBubbles of team spin cycle. Now, Daniel McBubbles teammate dropped out of the race because you're gonna participate in something you've never heard of, the laundromat races. And if you win, Daniel has agreed to get you the beaded sweater vest.
Tom (as Xoc)
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
Tom (as Xoc)
Well, Misha is certainly the best driver among us. But if it's for them, we'll do whatever we can.
Emily (as Elee)
Wait, we're driving, right? We don't have to, like, run.
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
Is it individually or like a team thing?
Emily (as Elee)
I volunteer someone else.
Kyle (as Daniel)
Laundromat. Listen, doing the laundry is always a team effort. Anytime you have just one person do it, uh, it leads to resentment across the board.
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
Oh, is this just doing laundry?
Kyle (as Daniel)
Just doing laundry. This is gonna spin your world around, buddy.
And at that point, Daniel McBubbles opens the door. And you hear—It sounds like a racetrack. Like, vroom! Vroom! Vroom! But—but like a chiki, chiki, chiki. [Imitating car sounds on ignition.] You hear the sounds of races and cars. But instead of being car wheels, it's a laundry inside of hundreds of laundry machines circling around and around and around. And it has weird stuff in it. There's some clothes, it's, like, modern, but you see like labels of categories. So you've got the clothes that—You've got regular clothes, you've got those clothes that you can never get the smell out of. And what's, uh—Everybody in the audience, what's the last thing that they're trying to wash using the washing machines?
[Conversation pauses.]
Dry cleaner? Dry cleaner? [Laughter.] I like all of this together. So it's a bunch of suits in a washing machine that has no water in it and it says dry clean only. And Daniel is like,
Kyle (as Daniel)
That's the most dangerous one of all. Those neckties get caught right in there.
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
Kyle (as Daniel)
It's real dangerous.
And at one point, you see a lady being carried across in like a stretcher. And she's just like,
Kyle (as the lady)
The ties. The ties, they're everywhere.
And you can see she's just got ties all over her as she gets carried out to the hospital.
Tom (as Xoc)
More like die clean only.
So we've got—All right, so we've got regular. We've got suits in dry cleaning and what was the last one? Oh, smell. All right. Okay. And so you see it and it's—it's this big event, there's audiences all over the place. You see folks walked around with, like, bumper stickers all over their posts like sponsorships. Um, so you've got someone for like—I'm trying to think of a good one. Um, you're trying. Uh, uh, a Jaco. No, not Jaco. You got a guy with a big top hat. Fancy toms, fancy hats walking around with his fancy sponsorship. Yeah, I was wrong with the word bumper. I meant stickers. All right. Um, so yeah, what's—what's your response to seeing all this?
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
Uh, I’d like to repeat my question, actually. Uh, is this a team thing or do we have to split up? Like, can you—can you—I don't know if we were given a pamphlet about how this works.
Kyle (as Daniel)
Um, oh, a pamphlet? No, don't worry. There are plenty right here.
And Daniel McBubbles opens one of the washers, pulls out a bunch of soggy paper and goes to hand it to you.
Hopper slowly takes them.
He’s like,
Kyle (as Daniel)
Oh, no, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. It's, uh, it's too wet. Let me fix that for you.
And he opens up a dryer, throws it in there and slams it.
Tom (as Xoc)
I—I think it might be—it might be a little easier if we see a real pro doing it first, maybe—maybe then we'll learn—learn these ways.
Kyle (as Daniel)
Okay. Yeah, absolutely. It's a relay. So we take a single basket and we've got to sort it perfectly. And then we've gotta put it into the three categories. So if someone's willing to sort, I'll do—I'll do regular first and then you two can see how that—you all can see how that works. And then you can take care of the other ones.
Emily (as Elee)
Why can't we all just put it in one thing together?
Kyle (as Daniel)
[Scoff laughter.] Put it in one thing together? Yeah, if you wanna fail. We gotta—we—we need to get the top here, okay? There are some unsavory types gunning for the crown.
And he turns over and he glares just off in the distance and in the skies like,
Kyle (as Daniel)
I'll get us ready. I'll get—I'll get you all the team jerseys, okay? I'll get your team jerseys.
And he walks off.
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
Unsavory types that want—
Sorry, clarification. Is the beaded sweater vest the prize for everybody or do we just get it if we participate—
[Laughter.] It's for everybody. So in prize, you get that but you also get, um, a washer from the first world. The last one ever created.
Oh, I want that. Hopper wants that. I mean, he wants the sweater vest—
Are you gonna betray Daniel McBubbles at the very end?
But some—Yeah, but—but—Oh…
[Inaudible 00:25:41.] Hopper is like,
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
[Inaudible 00:43] want a sweater vest?
Sorry, it feels off to him
No, but in the washer is called the washer at the end of the world. It's the last thing we know of being created and the ninth world.
He wants it.
All right. So as you're looking around, did one of you say—I'll let you play out a little bit more. So you’re doing anything else?
Xoc—Xoc upon hearing this is going to use a little bit of—a little bit of magic here. Xoc I think in this case is going to use his telepathic ability to communicate with machines and tried to ask some of the nearby washing machines.
Tom (as Xoc)
The scoop, are there—are there any teams that cheat in the laundromat races?
Emily (as Elee)
How do you cheat?
You start to hear within all of this chaos a song, tik tiki tik tiki tik tik tiki tik. You spin me right round baby right round like a record. [Laughter.] But within the song, you can tell that the song is mainly to mask an actual message ‘cause they're singing ‘cause they're afraid to tell you the answer.
Um, and within the song you just hear, you can't—Within the song, the tune of you spin me right round right round you can't let them win the crown. They can't win the crown crown crown crown crown.
Tom (as Xoc)
But who?
Kyle (as Daniel)
Eh, but who? Eh, are we talking about us, Sam? The coolest guys all here.
And as you walk up, you see two men slapped with Jetco brands.
Oh no.
One of them is sweating. He's pale. He's nervous. He—he—he's very finicky. And—and you can see he actually has to keep rubbing to keep the stickers from falling off. He's like,
Kyle (Sock Sweat Sam)
I'm not sure about that Kevin.
And the other man you can see walks with an air of confidence. He has in place of his hands two surgically added washer boards. Now, you think this might not be in the rules but it checks out. It's still part of him. It can't be an external addition if it's part of his body. This gruff man is Washer Board Kevin, the terror of the laundromat races.
I’m in tears.
And his—his—his friend, the ever nervous Sock Sweat Sam.
Ew. [Whimpering.]
[Inaudible 00:28:19] hands just washer boards?
Edward washer boards.
Kyle (as Washer Board Kevin)
My life is the races. This, and he slaps both washer boards together, is what you call commitment. This is why I will win the washer at the end of the world. And if you get in my way,
And he just walks up to you and, like, pokes you in the chest with the end of his washer board hand.
Kyle (as Washer Board Kevin)
It'll be the end of your world [inaudible 00:28:51].
I’m gonna clench my fist so that the claws come out.
Could you explain the claws, Elee?
At one point near the beginning of our campaign, Elee got—she has metal in her bones already. So she got like nails implanted into her fist. It's—
Like wolverine claws.
Yeah, like wolverine. [Chuckles.]
Sorry, I just saw a comment that said it's like air but nothing [inaudible 00:29:19].
I was waiting for a chance to bring it up.
Also from a movie is a person who came up with a Washer Board Kevin. I absolutely did think through the implications ‘cause we have a lady with knives in our throats. All right, so it comes out and this is gonna be our first role. So how roleplaying works is not everything works out for heroes. So what we're gonna do is all of our players have a dice.
And it has—The dice has 20 sides to it. [Dice clicking.] And they're gonna roll it and the higher number, the better. So if they get a 1, that's real bad. They probably won't succeed. If they get a 20, they probably will.
But it's also gonna depend on how tough the enemy is. So we already talked Washer Board Kevin is pretty tough. So we'll see if this is gonna work against him.
[Dice clicking against each other.]
The players might say other things like, well, I'm gonna decrease the difficulty or I'm gonna use the stability. Don't worry about that means—what that means. Regardless of what they say, the higher they roll, the better they do.
Here's my D20. Do I have to—What am I rolling for?
You're rolling to intimidate Washer Board Kevin with your claws.
I didn't know if you were, like, asking me to roll to take out my claws. And I was gonna be like, no, I can’t do that.
I thought you were saying roll—roll to hit him.
What did you roll, Emily?
What did you roll?
I rolled, um, a 2.
Can I still play out what I was going to do?
Yes. So Emily, for the character of Elee, rolled a 2.
Out of 20.
She's probably not gonna do super well. Um, so Emily's gonna describe what she tries to do. And then I'm gonna come up with what actually happens.
What Elee was planning on doing was to take out her claws, run them along the washer board. So it's like,
Emily (as Elee)
Ti, ti, ti, ti. Don't talk to me about commitment.
As you go to do that,it goes, tik, tik, tik, tik, tik, tik, tik. And it gets stuck in between the last two washer boards. And it takes a second—
I see this only as a plus.
But the rest of it continues. So it goes down, gets stuck. And you have to be like, and you pull it out. And then you say, don't—don't talk to me about commitments. And Kevin just looks at you. He’s like,
Kyle (as Washer Board Kevin)
You know, honestly, I thought those claws would be cool. You know, they kinda like the washer board and things but aah! Kevin. No, I'm Kevin. Sam, get everything ready. I mean, I'm gonna get—It’s—I'm gonna get everything ready, Sam. You talk to them.
And Sam was like,
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
Oh, oh, okay. Well, it's Sam. [Stutters.] It's—it’s—it’s—it’s a pleasure to meet you.
And he goes to shake your hand, uh, Xoc.
Oh, Xoc. Xoc, uh, misunderstands the hand gesture, having been raised by machines and gives him like a nearby basket. He just looks around wondering what Sam could be reaching for. He picks up a basket and hands it to Sam.
Sam’s like,
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
Oh, well. [Stutters.] Ah, ah, ah, but, ah, well, well, thanks. But this is, you know, this is, this is a mark two basket. And, and, and, and Kevin says we can only have mark, mark, mark five or better. You know, that’s, that's what we need for our team, team spoons. Only the best for team spoons.
Tom (as Xoc)
You're on team spoons?
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
Yeah, I'm part of—I'm part of team spoons. We're gonna win the washer at the end of the world. And then—and then Kevin says I can, I can have the, the, the sweater vest if we win.
Tom (as Xoc)
[Chuckles.] It’s—it's a very nice name. I—I feel like it doesn't really match with the—with the style that—that Kevin gives off. But I—I wish you the best of luck even though I need to get that sweater vest. I have someone very important to me who is—who's counting on it.
I'm gonna make a joke here that I would not say in the live show. But I have to say it.
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
Well, I mean, team spoons, um, you know, Washer Board Kevin says that we’re named that because that's the most painful utensil to beat someone to death with.
Um, so I'm not doing that in the kids show but I need to include that.
[Crosstalk 00:33:22].
So you know what Kevin is like. He's a bad man.
We knew what Kevin was like.
We knew what Kevin was like.
[Crosstalk 00:33:31].
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
That’s really cool, but I just think it'd be really good. You see, I kind of have—Oh no.
And he drops the laundry basket which tips over.
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
You see I kind of—I kind of sweat too much and—and—and the sweater vest, uh, it's really absorbent. And, and, and I can actually, like, grab things and use them and maybe be less sweaty.
Emily (as Elee)
But it only covers your chest.
My sweat comes from my chest. It comes from, like, right here about this area.
Emily (as Elee)
He said it's just beads.
They're very absorbent beads.
Team spoons—It’s called team spoons ‘cause [inaudible 00:34:09].
That’s the joke I thought you were going to make.
It’s so much better.
Yeah, that’s what—
When you said I'm about to make a joke I can't make in front of kids, I assumed that was the joke, is like, oh no for murdering people.
Listen, I've just played a lot of sessions of Sir Centrum. Can you blame me for being so murdery?
That’s bad.
Oh, god. Is—Centrum’s not—Well, I mean, well, for spoilers, but… [Skeptical.]
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
Okay, anyways, I should get back, um, and, and get ready. Um, I, I, I wish you luck.
And he runs off. And then he turns back and says,
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
Oh, wait, no, I can't say that. I hope you do really badly. Okay, bye.
And he runs off.
Is—Did Kevin also leave?
Oh, yeah, Kevin's gone. Kevin’s setting up.
Emily (as Elee)
I still don't know what we're supposed to do.
Tom (as Xoc)
I think we just have to organize different categories of these clothing articles.
Emily (as Elee)
Wait, no, I’m bad at that.
Tom (as Xoc)
Hopper, Hopper Scotch you—you have a lot of nice clothes, right? See, you know what categories clothes go into, right?
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
Uh, well, yeah, for—I mean for my purposes but because this seems like something I'd be okay yet I feel like there's a catch. I—I—I think that we're not being told something. It can't just be fu—It can't just be sorting laundry, right?
Emily (as Elee)
I mean, if it's a relay, I haven't washed anything in like 50 years. So, you know, it might just be you.
Tom (as Xoc)
Well, the machines themselves seem sympathetic to our cause. If it is a relay, I can at least, uh, work on the washing machine part of it and we can try to get it done as quick as we can.
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
That seems to be the goal. Get it done fast, right?
And Xoc, you feel a hard slap on your back as Daniel McBubbles comes back and says,
Kyle (as Daniel)
Yep, that's the idea. We're gonna have one person sort and then three people are gonna do different kinds of laundry. You can see all on this pamphlet, oh, it's ready now.
And you see he takes out one of the pamphlets from the dryer, which because it's paper has caught on fire, and he just brushes it off, and hands it to you and leaves the rest of the burning papers in the, uh, in the dryer.
Emily (as Elee)
Should we put—Is that the one we're gonna use? Should we put out the fire or just leave it?
Xoc never had any faith that this pamphlet would be readable. Xoc just immediately wrote it off as soon as it came out of the wash.
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
Yeah, no, it's gone. Is it still on fire? I'll kick it to put it out if it's still on fire, but otherwise, I’ll just let it [inaudible 00:36:37].
Emily (as Elee)
If you just put it on your hands.
Are you going to be okay, Hallie? Can you continue the show? The show must go on.
Yes, I’ll be alright.
[Chuckles.] All right.
After the stream we need to tell people about the joke from before the stream. Oh no.
[Laughter.] No, Tom. Don’t [inaudible 00:36:53].
Okay, so... All right, we got about 20 minutes left. So we've got our race. So what's gonna happen is we're gonna have, uh, four categories. Somebody has to sort the clothes. Somebody has to, um, wash the regular clothes. So you gotta sort them into regular, smelly, so smelly that you can't get the smell out and then suits and dry cleaning. So suits and ties. So someone will sort it into regular, smelly and suits and ties. Um, regular—Someone's gonna wash the regular, someone will wash the smelly and someone will wash the suits. Uh, Daniel McBubbles is gonna wash the regular. So you all have to decide. So let's start at the beginning of this race. Who is gonna do the sorting?
Everyone looks at Hopper.
Yeah, everyone looks at Hopper.
I'll do the sorting. No problem.
Okay. So Hopp, the race is about to start. You hear like the vroom, vroom, vroom. There’s like the—It's like the racing thing. There's like a lady with, like, a flag who's gonna like get ready to put it down for all the racers to drive out of it. I played lots of crews in USA as a kid.
Is it like a dryer sheet?
[Laughter.] Yeah, she has a dryer sheet. There is a flag that she puts down. Um, and what—what I want you to do is—Hopp, so we have two people on team spoons but we need someone for Hopp to race against. So what's—what's the name of the—That will be a lady. What's the name of the—of the woman that Hopp is racing against? Someone did say Sudsy Susan Areola. Thank you for the reminder. Sudsy Susan. And what—It says—What is Sudsy Susan's mood? Is she happy? Is she sad? Is she angry? What? The Sudsy Susan who is—who is confident but crying. Okay, so Hopp, you get there next to you. You see the thing next to you is just bubbling. And there's this lady and she's just crying. Um, she is the Sudsy Susan. You know ‘cause she has a shirt that has the word the on it kind of like my no shirt, but it says the.
Yeah, yeah.
She looks at you and she says,
Kyle (as Sudsy Susan)
[Whimpering.] I'm sorry. I just—I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
Wait, are you—are you okay?
Kyle (as Sudsy Susan)
I just feel so bad for you already ‘cause I know you're gonna lose to me so badly and I just feel bad for you.
Hallie (as Hopper Scotch)
Well, let's see if we can't fix that.
This is some the next level sort of Regina George.
And with that, the flag goes down and you've gotta sort all the clothes. And before you roll, Hopp, I'm gonna do a GM intrusion. And for context, we're not gonna give experience for this ‘cause experience is a bit too complicated for someone who's never seen this before.
So I get nothing?
You get nothing.
That's normal role playing though.
So… All right, so audience I need your help again. So, I'm doing a GM intrusion.
So what this is, is sometimes in stories, things just happen that are bad. And so a GM intrusion is a way to make things tougher for somebody. So an example of a GM intrusion could be, um, you know, someone is—someone's trying to get out of a cave and then suddenly the cave starts to collapse. Or it could be that, you know, maybe someone's in a race and then they—they fall on some ice, they start to slip. So Hopp is about to sort all of these clothes. What's something that gets in his way that makes it tougher for him? The Su—Sorry, the Sudsy Susan.
Someone says…
Give me a quick second. I gotta look something up quick.
Kyle, do you not know what a blouse is?
Oh, my gosh.
Are you kidding?
Because Hopper Scotch knows what a blouse is.
I have literally worn a blouse and told you it was a blouse.
I just wanted to describe what it looked like. Okay, so Hopp, you have an issue.
All right.
You pull out a piece of clothing. It looks like a thin colored shirt, but a bit like fancier and you cannot tell what it is. Is it—is it part of the formal clothes? Is it like a suit? Is it regular clothes? You are definitely unfamiliar with what this article of clothing is?
Is there a tag?
Is there a tag? I don't know. Give me a roll to look.
[Die rolls.]
There is a tag and it says Blues Publishing. I don't know why it's Publishing. It says—
All right, it says Blues Suits on it.
I preferred Bluse Publishing. The inside is just lined with blues paper.
Is this close? Is this close? [Laughter.]
It's Blues Publishing and the inside is lined with blues paper. Thank you, Tom.
It's filled with stories of the blues. It's like the news but sadder. I'm—I’m very proud of this.
Loose leaf paper.
Okay. Um…
That's what I thought you were going for Tom.
Does it—does it smell? Can I just put it in the smell pile? They were two of those if I remember correctly.
Please, [inaudible 00:42:26] the suits, right?
Unknown Speaker 42:25
Does it smell? Give it—give it a big sniff up.
It does. [Crosstalk 00:42:30].
All right, everybody, everyone in the audience, does it smell?
Like a normal one.
[Chuckles.] You’re creepily smelling [inaudible 00:42:38]?
[Laughter.] I know. Like…
Oh no.
It smells like ketchup, an old lady food. It’s max stinky.
Okay. It goes—it goes in the super stinky pile.
Okay, so you're racing, you're racing. But in that time it took you the sniff, the Sudsy Susan is already halfway through her bat—her basket and you've only gotten through like two of yours. So Hopp, give me a roll. It's gonna be a bit tougher for you to beat Sudsy Susan.
All right. Since it's gonna be a bit tougher. I'd like to apply two levels of speed effort to this roll to make it easier.
Gotta go fast.
Gotta go fast. Gotta do the sorts. I got 6.
So Hopp, after a long arduous race, you are finally done. And Sudsy Susan just looks at you in a pool of her own tears. And she just,
Kyle (as Sudsy Susan)
[Sobbing.] I was right. I did so much better than you.
And as a result, you can see—So now, who is doing the smelly clothes for washing?
[Chuckles.] Elee ushers Xoc forward.
No. All right. I'll do it.
What's the difference?
What’s the difference? Yeah.
All right.
So Xoc, you have been—you've been stuck on smell duty. Now you got the smelly clothes pretty quickly. Um, Hopp did have a little bit of difficulty after he just sniffed one of the smelly clothes. He had difficulty smelling after that. So now, Daniel McBubbles has lost the first round. So Daniel McBubbles part is he's lost. So and you gotta get two out of three. So it's you and smell and next to you you have Sock Sweat Sam. Sock Sweat Sam is just—He's—he's rubbing his hands. He's getting it all over. He's just like,
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
He's gonna clean it. In fact, as he gets clothes, you can see that he has two bars of soap on his hands. And he's just using—He has bars of soap on one hand, and he's just using that hand to wash it. And then the other sweaty hand to rinse it and then he's sticking it in the—in the dryer.
He’s sticking with his sweat?
Sock Sweat Sam is a very— He's a very good smelling boy.
Okay. Anyway…
All right, so Xoc, what's your plan for getting—dealing with these really stinky clothes?
My plan is to implement a little bit—a little bit more wizardry here.
Uh, uh, Xoc is going utilise the power charm machine, which I'm going to use to make the washing machine like me better and work—work with me more to—to clean these—these clothes spick and span.
One second. I need to rename our show ‘cause I didn't have it. So it's now called Quest Man and The Sudsy Susan. [Inaudible 00:45:24].
Oh boy.
All right, so what are you doing with the machines again?
I will—I am going to charm the washing machine that we're using for this to work with me more, like to do a better job. I know that's—that's not what the—the spell normally does in our main game. Uh, its specific rules are different but I feel for this let’s bend it a little bit.
Give me a roll.
All right, and I'm gonna apply three levels of intellect efforts.
[Die rolls.]
Okay, so what do you—what do you do—How are you getting the machine to like you? Like, you're using magic to talk to it but what are you saying to get it to like you?
Um, Xoc is going to start by just being very kind to the washing machine. Being like,
Tom (as Xoc)
Hi, my name is Xoc. It's nice to meet you.
And this is all happening really fast because of mental connections.
Kyle (as Spinny)
Hi, my name—my—my name is—is Spinny.
Tom (as Xoc)
Hi, Spinny. It's really great to meet you. You are a really—
Kyle (as Spinny)
It’s great to meet you, Xoc.
Tom (as Xoc)
Kyle (as Spinny)
It’s great to meet you, Xoc. I like you a lot. You seem really fun.
Tom (as Xoc)
I like you too, Spinny.
Kyle (as Spinny)
Can we play? Can we play a game?
Tom (as Xoc)
Yes, the game is we need to wash these clothes.
Kyle (as Spinny)
We need to wash these clothes? But I washed so many clothes at some point.
Tom (as Xoc)
But we're going to do it much faster than everyone else because you're a hard worker and you will get a prize.
Kyle (as Spinny)
I'm gonna get a prize? I'm gonna get a prize? I'm gonna get a prize?
Tom (as Xoc)
Yes, I will get you a prize for helping me with this.
Kyle (as Spinny)
What is the prize?
Tom (as Xoc)
The prize…
And Xoc is going to pull out of his bag, um, a really fancy, like, silk handkerchief looking thing. He’s like,
Tom (as Xoc)
This, this is made of a weird kind of cloth for you to play with.
Kyle (as Spinny)
[Clapping.] Oh, okay, okay. And—
Tom (as Xoc)
I need to—
What? Go ahead.
Tom (as Xoc)
I was just going to say no J TV. On this podcast, we pay people for their labor. This was always my plan going into this was to give this washer rights.
Kyle (as Spinny)
You were the one who pitched, uh, paying by, uh… [Snapping fingers.]
Tom (as Xoc)
Kyle (as Spinny)
Exposure in questionable measures.
Tom (as Xoc)
In pitching to one of the most nefarious capitalist villains of this show at Lowell's suggestion might I add. In—in character, Lowell was feeding Xoc that scripts might I add.
Okay, so and you're not gonna roll. It goes so fast. Speedy is just speeding along. No, Spinny?
Spinny. Spinny. And his best friend, Speedy, who is his dryer best friend goes as fast as he can. And by the time you're done, Sock Sweat Sam he's got even more sweat ‘cause he's just tired himself out. He's like,
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
[Gasping.] Ha, ha, that—that—that—that was real good. That was real good. But—
Tom (Xoc)
You did well too.
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
Washer Board Kevin. Washer Board Kevin I know he can do it. And only Washer Board Kevin is staring you in the eyes. You're in the deadliest game of all. [Coughs.] [Inaudible 00:48:26].
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
We're in the dry cleaning only section. So much can go wrong. You have ever fight a tie before?
Emily (as Elee)
Tom (as Xoc)
Do washer boards help with dry cleaning?
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
Have you ever fought 10?
Emily (as Elee)
No, I fought monsters.
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
Well, let me tell you. Dry cleaning is the fiercest monster of them all.
Emily (as Elee)
I don't think that's true, sir.
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
That is—
Tom (as Xoc)
[Inaudible 00:48:57] tie a tie.
Kyle (as Sock Sweat Sam)
It's gonna be the fiercest monster until I win ‘cause you know what I get when I win? Do you know what the secret of the washer at the end of the world is?
Emily (as Elee)
It doesn't matter for you ‘cause you're not gonna win.
I know how to do trash talk.
[Chuckles.] Give me a roll for trash talk.
I wanna know what the secret is.
I also actually wanna know what the secret is.
Yeah, is Daniel McBubbles really trustworthy? Can we allow him to get his hands on the washer at the end of the universe?
What did you roll?
I rolled a mere 1.
So natural 1s, they get a GM intrusion without me having to give them one. So what's something wrong, bad that should happen to Elee right now?
Please be nice.
[Inaudible 00:49:43] eventually, Spinny. Oh, no.
I love how dark the chat is. [Laughter.]
That feels very on point for our fan base.
It does. It feels very right. I'm sorry. I gotta wait for the chat to decide your fate.
Put me in more misery. [Whimpering.]
You heard that chat. Just overcome this delay. Time is an illusion.
Missed the question. Uh, GM intrusion. Elee gets a GM intrusion. What is it?
‘Cause I rolled a 1.
‘Cause you rolled a 1?
I was trying to trash talk.
Yeah. [Laughter.] I think chat just refused the intrusion.
Chat refused the intrusion. All right. So in that case, we aren't gonna hurt Elee anymore. Instead, we're just gonna continue as usual and Washer Board Sam is gonna kinda get up to you closer, and he's gonna get really angry.
[Thoughtful guitar music begins playing.]
And he's—he's gonna give you a hug.
But this hug is like the kiss of death. And he's gonna say,
Kyle (as Washer Board Kevin)
You better hope so ‘cause that washer isn’t the thing—That washer isn't just the washer at the end of the world. It's the washer that caused the end of the world.
And that, because of time, is where we're gonna stop our session today.
Oh, no.
All right. So what happens? Is Elee gonna make it through? Is Elee gonna win? If Elee wins, does she have to fight the washer?
I hope so.
Is the washer gonna cause the end of the world? If Elee loses, is she gonna have to fight the washer? And what's gonna happen with that sweater vest? Are they gonna give it to Misha or are they gonna give it to Sam? ‘Cause it sounds like Sam could really use it. Honestly, Sam was very nice. So this—
Sam needs a win.
This is the last thing I need your help with. Now role playing sessions usually go longer than an hour. Um, but we want—we need to cut it off today so that other panelists can go and that you can go off and do your own thing. So what I've made, and I'm gonna share all with you like a template one I made. You'll see that there's a lot of stuff that isn't completed. The reason there's no information on there, it's because I haven't gotten, uh, approval from those folks, uh, to use their names at C2E2. So I'm gonna share it here on the con, on the—on the stream. But, um, so what I have here is I have sheets of paper that you can use to help write the end of the story. So if you wanna draw what happens and then write out what happens on the sheet of paper, we’d really like it. And you can send the message to us on—You can have an adult send us a message on Twitter with a picture of that. And we just really love to see how you would finish the stories. Additionally, if you’ve really liked what we did today, there's a whole series of role playing podcasts out here. So it's stuff like what you saw today, except you're gonna listen to the story instead. So on the back of the sheet of paper, I have a list of recommendations of all ages podcasts. So thank you so much for coming for the show. We're gonna be sticking around the panel afterwards, just kind of hanging about for a few minutes if you have any questions or you wanna hang out at all. And again, thank you so much for coming. And thank you for making the session that we played with all of our players. Did y'all have fun? And I am looking over at Emily.
And I had a lot of fun too.
I feel very loved and protected.
All right. Thank you so much, everyone. Have a great day.
Bye. I figured that is what we would do in the panelist section.
What! What! We didn't swear once guys.
I know. We did so good.
I just made a small money laundering joke that was questionable.
But like—
It's a Grunkle Stan joke. Like Disney has aired things like the county jail was so cold.
Yeah. Like, stealing happens. Kids know theft is a thing.
It’s true. Laundering is just a very adult kind of—
It's a joke for the adults in the audience. But parents who’ve come here with their kids—
What did I swear on accident?
I didn’t even catch you
Oh, no. You did? I didn't even know.