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Welcome to Quest Friends!

Thanks for checking out our show! We've assembled the most important parts of our website onto this page, but feel free to explore the rest of the site! If you have any questions, you can reach out to us through our contact page or on social media.

What is Quest Friends?

Quest Friends! is an actual play podcast where five best friends explore themes of friendship and family by telling stories about cartoonish characters in absurd settings.

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Our current campaign, Quest Friends! Hereafter, explores the fun of everyday life in a world where the realm of the dead isn't that far away. It uses Under the Neighborhood, a Powered by the Apocalypse TTRPG inspired by cartoons like The Owl House and Gravity Falls.

New episodes of Quest Friends! release every other Monday, but if you're listening for the first time, we recommend you start with Quest Friends! Hereafter's first episode, An Oasis of Ghosts.


Full episode transcripts for can be found on our transcripts page. They can also be downloaded through our google docs folder. We're currently working on building up an episode backlog, so until that's done, transcripts won't become available until a month after an episode releases.

Listen to some of our favorite scenes!

Four Threes
00:00 / 01:49
PG-13 Ways to Sneak Into a Movie
00:00 / 01:39
Quique vs. The Kingpecker
00:00 / 01:08
That's Smooth, Steve
00:00 / 03:36

Keep up to date with the show

Want to stay up to date on everything we do, including new episodes, streams, and TTRPGs? Enter your email address below to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, which includes all the Quest Friends! news you'll ever need, as well as some newsletter-exclusive bonus content.

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"The editing is great, the goofs come naturally, and the emotional moments sneak up on you like a sucker-punch in the feels."

It's just Johnny

Prefer Sci-Fi?

Our first season, Quest Friends! Flashback Future, is a Numenera campaign that takes place in a world one billion years in the future. Join four strangers turned family as they struggle against vengeful magicians, murder mystery dating sims, and their own emotional baggage. Listen to the first episode here.

...The F**k Are You?
00:00 / 03:12

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Numenera and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC. Content derived from Monte Cook Games publications is © 2013-2022 Monte Cook Games, LLC. Read the full disclaimer here.​

Intro/Outro music for Quest Friends! Flashback Future by MiracleOfSound

Intro: "Friends" (YouTube, Bandcamp)

Outro: "Hitoshio" (YouTube, Bandcamp)

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